About Me

Someone who fell in love with the natural world early on and has been smitten ever since. A blade of grass, a mighty mountain, a tiny raindrop, a roaring waterfall, all fill me with awe and wonder. Nature feels home, filled with warmth and love. It pains my heart to see this home being ravaged. This blog is an effort to find tweaks in modern living to preserve the sanctity of this home. I sincerely hope that you join me in this green karmic journey.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Let's Talk Rubbish!

There is a set of people with whom I end up talking rubbish every time I meet them. In fact, I call some of them just to talk rubbish! 

Don't take me wrong, I am not a creep. I and this lovely bunch of people are members of garbage collection committees in our respective apartment complexes.

We attract each other like magnets and get excited about the topic of garbage. 

We can talk for hours together about organic, recyclable, reject and e-waste, the finer points of categorization, the problems we face in motivating residents to segregate, the issues with housekeeping, vendors, BBMP etc. We lend each other a shoulder to cry upon when we face brickbats and are always ready with bouquets when a small battle is won, a milestone reached.

The world is a little cleaner because we love to talk rubbish. I am glad to have these rubbish talking friends.